Sunday, 8 July 2012

electric and gravitational field

Gravitational Field:
It is the gravitational force per unit test mass mo  and is represented by g
                                                g = F/mo                                              
Ø   This field is static, because the source of the field i.e. the mass of the gravitating body is constant
Ø   This field is also uniform meaning that g is same (in direction and in magnitude) for all the points
 This field is independent of the magnitude of test mass mo (because the small mass mo will not disturb the distribution of  the mass of gravitating body.
Electric Field:
This field is independent of the magnitude of test mass mo (because the small mass mo will not disturb the distribution of  the mass of gravitating body.The space around a source charge where a test charge can experience an electric force is called the electric field. The electric field at a point in the vicinity of source is the electric force Fo experienced by the test charge qo at that point divided by the charge qo.  The direction of electric field E is the same as the direction of electric force Fe because qo is a positive scalar quantity.Units of the electric field in SI units is Newton/Coulomb (N/m) and some time it may also be given as volt/meter V/m

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